Exhibitions, Awards, and Contests
Accepted with one image at the "Embracing Art XIX" exhibition at the Carnegie Visual Arts Center in Decatur, Alabama, March 09 to April 24, 2021
3rd overall place at the"Embracing Art XVIII" exhibition at the Carnegie Visual Arts Center in Decatur, Alabama, March 31 to May 09, 2020
Accepted with two images at the "Embracing Art XVIII" exhibition at the Carnegie Visual Arts Center in Decatur, Alabama, March 31 to May 09, 2020
Patron Award at the 2019 Kentuck Festival of the Arts
Merit Award at the 2018 Kentuck Festival of the Arts.
Winner of the "Natural Untouched Micrographs and Photographs" category of the 2017 photo contest of the 21st American Conference of Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-21).
Winner of the "Landscape" category in the German section of Tetenal's European B/W Classics Award 2015, see https://www.facebook.com/darkroomexperts/posts/904772079579968
Joint exhibition "Entdeckungen der Schattensucher - Photographische Arbeiten der "Schwarz/Weiss Arbeitsgemeinschaft Süd", 3 images, Städtische Galerie Villa Streccius, Südring 20, 76829 Landau/Pfalz, Germany, August 31 - October 13, 2013
Solo exhibition at aRtZ Studios, 2304 Whitesburg Dr., Huntsville, AL 35801, USA, November 15, 2012 - February 15, 2013
Booth at the following Art Fairs: Monte Sano Art Fair in Huntsville, AL in 2016-2021, Panoply in Huntsville, AL 2017-2021, Kentuck Festival of The Arts in Northport, AL 2018-2021, Bluff Park Art Show in Hoover, AL 2021, Tennessee Craft Spring Fair in Nashville, TN 2018-2019, River Clay Festival in Decatur, AL in 2016 and 2020, Fall Fest at the Hermitage in Nashville, TN 2018.
Printed and Online Publications
Selected as one of the photographers for publication in the 2020 LensWork book " Our Magnificent Planet"
PhotoKlassik III/2015 , p.55 (single image)
ProfiFoto 7-8/2014, p.26: Interview on analog photography (in German)
CameraFilmPhoto Blog 6-26-2014: Large Format Film Photographer, Lens Historian and Scientist, Arne Croell
Exhibition catalog: Entdeckungen der Schattensucher - Photographische Arbeiten der Schwarz/Weiss Arbeitsgemeinschaft Süd. Exhibition catalog, Landau 2013, Kunstverein Villa Streccius, ISBN 978-3-00-042922-4 (2 images).
2 - Schwarzweiss Arbeitsgemeinschaft Süd. Portfolio Yearbook 2013 (3 images)
1 - Schwarzweiss Arbeitsgemeinschaft Süd. Portfolio Yearbook 2012 (3 images)
Lens Work Extended 97 November/December 2011: Crystalscapes (Portfolio with 52 images)
Schwarzweiss 83 (sold out) July/August 2011, pp. 40-47: Auf Ansel Adams Spuren – Arne Crölls Landschaften im Großformat. (German b/w magazine - Portfolio with 10 images)
Schwarzweiss 82 (sold out) May/June 2011, p. 45: Fotoclub im Focus – Schwarz/Weiß-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Süd (German b/w magazine - single image)
View Camera September/October 2005, pp. 34-38: The "Grandina" LF lenses from Carl Zeiss Jena: A tale of technical excellence and economic absurdity (technical article)
View Camera May/June 2005, pp. 34-42: Voigtländer large format lenses from 1949-1972 (technical article)
View Camera September/October 2003, pp. 48-53: Large format lenses from VEB Carl Zeiss Jena and Docter Optic, Part II: Docter Optic Jena lenses (technical article plus one single image)
View Camera July/August 2003, pp. 50-55: Large format lenses from VEB Carl Zeiss Jena and Docter Optic, Part I: Carl Zeiss Jena lenses (technical article)
Technical articles on LF lenses as pdf's, updated occasionally:
Carl Zeiss Jena large format lenses 1945-1991